Tuesday, April 8, 2008


When life seems confined,
on this limited space called earth,
I gaze at stars in open sky,
Born out of divinity's dust!
Dwelling in the chamber of infinitude,
far beyond the human reach,
When they touch me through a light gleam,
I feel connected through an intimate link,
And I travel to those lands unknown,
Through the silver bridge of light ray,
exploring eternity's splendiferous creation,
Leaving the known terms far away!
I wander alone on the soil of star,
on chariot of my dream and hope,
Seeking to hear unknown's whisper,
how wonderful, this strange grope!
Feeling tired through exhausting journey,
I bath in lovely stream of light,
when the thirst of heart is quenched,
I return, before the night ends!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Krishna's flute

In this lonely, quiet, dark night
when all worldly voices go mute,
craving for a divine melody
I seek to hear your flute.
The day passed in mundane struggle
to resolve the illusionary dispute
Mind fluttered in a sea of karmas
Some pure, some pollute.
yet there is no peace
no terrestrial remedy for the pain acute,
As night draws near
tranquility rules the world, a heavenly attribute,
mind turns inward from surface consciousness
and the soul is ready for the divine salute.
A stream of flute notes touches the mortal world
spreading in universe from the gates of Vaikunth,
A thirsty soul immerses in this stream
to liberate from karmik bondage, o achyut!
it drinks the nectar of eternal tunes
pouring from Krishna's flute.
Gone is grief, Gone pleasure,
Gone all dualities, clean and dilute.
purpose of existance seems fulfilled,
to enjoy your ecstasy, o Absolute!

(Vaikunth - Abode of Krishna, Achyut - another name of krishna)